Loop of Adiction

Overdose of Anything is always prove to be Harmful. Also, Anything that taste bitter always prove to be a healer for body.

Most Common Addictions

1) Back-bitching

2)Unnecessary thoughts about energy sucker people still after guidance

3)surfing facebook,YouTube by breaking deadline of time

4)Not waking up early

5) Not doing exercise

6)Eating junk food

7)Involving into abusive and bad activities

Why Above loop is there

Ans Because you think when will I enjoy life then?

Your Ideal Reaction Toward this thing would be

I will enjoy everything but under certain strict deadline ( It is essential Bro , Because it is the time only that you should stand and do work consistently till you achieve your goal .Period is not that big to achieve one goal 1 or 2 year consistent hardwork is sufficient.when you are alone ask yourself what i will do if i not study now.If you get your answer then continue what you want to do and later feel regret about it-->soon get depression-->soon get black and white tasteless life-->soon get disrespect and ignorance-->soon live on medicine--> and finally die in regret.) .You are Human you are made to live for others similar to nature as it is also giving you without taking anything back. it is not important to be rich but it is important to be happy.And For being happy first you have to start giving endlessly without any hope...just start giving love and more love to the society as you are made to earn and do work for them only.And its your duty you can't think of profit while you are helping.And when you exhibit this nature and start doing your work alone automatically you will start receiving money and most important thing is love.You have to start giving no one will first start giving you.Learn to balance a situation by diffusing an anger and stay in peace and focus on the work that you are doing and this is actual routine of life.And believe me this not an Boaring routine as you will have a feeling of soldier covered with sand and injuries in which pain is itself adding a salt to your life in order to make it tasty .Look at the image shown below.

"Many times you have to admit that you feel that you have enough power to  resist that and you actually not need that thing but you still do that thing because you get boarded or you feel if don't do this thing  then it means i haven't enjoyed your life. i.e in order to enjoy life you do that thing."
--I have named this feeling a phulphuli feeling

But there is a thing that you don't Know which is the fact that " Any Wrong Thing that gives Temporary happiness always make your life Hell like anything by wasting your time and giving you an addiction and Most importantly a feeling of guilt which sometimes become difficult to come out"

Why such a long path ? Sometime take a shortcut and become expert in the game or career which you are actually playing.For this the most important thing is to bear a boar and do that particular thing no matter how tasteless that situation will be.......you should know even in every exercise you have to practice one move of push ups with proper diet(which is also boar) in order to build bisects.                Practice ! Patience ! Boar ! Hard work gives you an opportunity and break to taste a candy. here duration of break matters on the level of your hard work. This Break can also be life long !.......I will have a habit of eating natural,living natural, Be close to environment and enjoy never ending beauty. The beauty of your small created universe may be dirty and sure have limited beauty. But the beauty of this universe is never ending .....it keep on expanding and expanding by an aura of some great power .If you say me mad i must tell you aliens are real and they do exist search a you tube.Similarly your spirits also exist......don't give me and yourself the fucking science reasons  .....as science is a study of nature not its creator. And if you still thinks through a eye of science then i really appreciate a Marketing ,Management of Scientists that can make you people a completely under their control by their 2% of Knowledge i guess about universe.
