Top things that everyone should Know in order to be better

1) Avoid Judging yourself of letting yourself judge

2) Become Careless when Some guilty feeling,fear feeling,bitter feeling,anger feeling or any negative felling approaches you.

3)Always Have a control over your words: When you feel low or depress you speak very much with your companion. at that time keep control on yourself and not say that truth under the heading of truth that may give wrong understanding about you to other person.

4)Always be in attitude-Here attitude means that superiority complex where there is no ego nor a thrust of respect. you should have a attitude where you are taking everything easy .Expressing yourself others as if you are their true companion.And Expressing so is most important no matter what cost it takes ..But here also T&C apply i.e if a person next to you is so rigid about demotivating you even after your sweet behavior. Then Yes, deadly attitude with that person should be there but in power saving mode i.e where you are not planning or waiting for that person bad time.Not letting yourself in such a attitude always is like showing cowardliness or like a loose in the game called life.Be like Indian Army always in such a the below video from 2:22:00

What you should Learn from this Video?
Ans. these are the two things
     1)A soldier is never of the duty he is aggressive,confident and applying mind during fight i.e he knows when he is in boat surrounding many enemies then at that time he is giving time to his opposite fighter a time to stand.In order to make him believe that he is safe for him.

   2)Once a fight over.Then he not continues that anger behaviour which he had used during his fight all over his life.See him when Akshay is in the train area then he is laughing with his that time he is not soldier.rather he is a sweetest guy as possible to enjoy and make other enjoy their life.I have discussed 2nd point because I have seen people having serious face on stage in order to make others believe that they are sincere. Watch the entry of gautam ghambir in ipl 2016 ceremony .

Watch the Interview of families of Indian Army

There is also following feature that you should exibit.
1)When Under motivated underestimate and if the person(your opponent) appears both physically as well as mentally strong  . But in your mindset you should believe that you are the strongest and most intelligent no matter how high he yell he is stronger .And also try your best in relaxed cool way in order to win(Similar to Dhoni as he does in critical situation) in order to prove that you are a master blaster if demanded by the situation.I.e the main thing you should remember is that Always being in an attitude is same as not giving up with life.Once you left your attitude it means you have give it up.

2) When some one throw a shit on you.then you should have so positive attitude that you are taking his negativity so carelessly as people do work carelessly and you are continue to be positive to make a six(cricket sense)i.e So there should be infinite level of patience from inside. Watch the Video given below to know what i am saying..

Watch one more Video

5)Never do back bitching-In Today's life .Strictly in 2016 people are most cooler than ever they not give a shit to back bitching .So,avoid these activities and be coolest.

6)Never be a procrastinator

7)Never Discriminate- Learn to enjoy the beauty of diversity.God has maded everything different i.e huge range of different floura and fauna are there in this world.all because so that you don't get bored by seeing one thing again and again. So, feel this reality and enjoy this reality.Intolerance is the useless word that is highlighted by media people in today's life. [Click Here] to watch video on FB.

8)Never be greedy !nor be jealous of anyone and learn to share [Click Here] for detailed understanding ..

9)Never get stick to one particular thing:This is explain under my Law of attraction heading i.e you get particular thing when you don't care too much about that thing and obviously do hard work.Gernally if you ask students who are placed in some company by universities.Then you will find majority of them were not too desperate for that company.

10)When talking with friends ,audience then you should speak in casual light behavior.Obviously smile whenever there is an opportunity [Click Here] for detailed understanding...

11)Always be curious and creative.Sometime Knowing history support curiosity.
I don't mean that Boring Sociology (History) subject of Simplified Theory.rather i mean to say let suppose you want to know about electricity then first read about the life story of Nikola Tesla,Faraday etc i.e What thought strike on to their head to discover that particular topic.

12)Never Give Up
     Motivational Video 1 [Click Here]  [click here 2]

13)Learn to Laugh and enjoy even in worst situation [Click Here]

14)When ever you are learning something or given some work .Learn as if or work as considering as opportunity that is given to you to know that thing in great depth in your life .Try to study subject more practically in order to know about it life long .The best thing would be intention to make your knowledge public as it will save you from ego of overconfidence and at the same time motivate you to learn even more to be little higher. Beside these there are many other advantages also of sharing .one of them you might get loved by society which could be great source of energy if you are not dependent on it.don't take society tip so seriously as society is very complex .infinite thoughts ...etc.Sometime it becomes rude .Many time it become so by brainwashed by majority. But it doesn't means society is bad rather it is diverse .Know the Beauty of diversity by watching video on point 7)

15) Learn to accept rejections.When you are rejected or when there is your low times then sit calm and have patience and wait for your time to do the Best. Also get Inspired from this Blog Click Here . It says Everyone is destined to receive what they are supposed to receive.Neither you are giving Nor you can control nor you can snatch.

If you are relaxed and thinking about as what i have said then it means you are far away better than anyone.Some people have everything but still they not happy click here to watch a related video.So conclusion be satisfied with what you have .And in your difficult time even if you required to do a watchman job for your survival do that also. Worst time are are part of every Individual and in this time you have to Learn to Survive .Cover Point No 12)again.

15)Accept No's and bitter word.Don't think too much just take it easy as if you are kid and                 nothing happend to you.Be your own parent and at a same time be a kid and forget everything            with in an hour or a day like a kid.Be a kid ,Be coulourful ,and paint your life. and move forward           for more fantacy to come.Colour even a boaring tasteless task to candy and curious to eat it and           move forword.As kid is also happy in warm if he have given a cool water and still play in            park.similarly you have to enjoy life in every situation. But Never forget creativity to paint (in actual it is precevance of problem) and enjoy it. Life situations aren't a challenge but a playground of a game.

So from Now Learn to Live like Kid
Do a work Like Kid
Eat with joy like a Kid
Think Curious like Kid
Handle a situations like a Kid
Accept No's like a Kid
Always ready to give love without any hope like a Kid
Make your projects like a Kid
Treat a Ghost like Kid preceive them in Cartoons

Be Like Dexter

If you want to enjoy like a Kid do friendships with Kid. Not waste your energy hope past people to become Kid once more.

16) Never Wait for an oportunity create one. Never Stop thinking creative.

Watch Video-[Click Here]

17) Speak less sometimes.i.e sometime don't speak unnecessarily. Depress people speak alot .Speak less specially when you have an intuition from inside that your bad time is going on.But being silent at the same time have a smile .and Also an attitude that you not need any kind of support .Also your attitude should be as if you have no problem.

18) Never become a part of backbiting,criticism .Learn to forget teaching someone a lesson .and be as much fight avoider as you can. And be positive.

19) First Learn to believe on your idea then you will find other will start believing on your idea.So, Don't be a critic of your step and thought.

Whether above was mine. Let us Learn Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Points of success

In the Same Channel you can also search rule of Suceess by Manoj Bhargava

20) Always first have an unbreakable faith and believe on your Idea before Expecting others to believe on that Idea.....Inspire from Manoj Bhargava rule that how can you expect that people will like your product if you yourself not feel to use it at your home.Once a great entrepreneur told me that first make a technology for your home and modified in a way it easier your life.Once done commercialize that product in market.

21)Life Happiness and opportunity are like a Butterfly when you are not watching them and have a focus on it and are relaxed like saint then that butterflies sit on your shoulder at the back but once you round your neck back and focus on them they fly away..So, Be like a saint Don't worry about anything, Don't care too much about anything,Don't attach greatly with anything and just move forward and apply your best like a crazy man you just chak de everything from early morning to night from Mon-Sat and full relaxation ignoring addictiveness habit i.e just doing meditation,singing etc....on Sun and Conquer the world. I say try your best have a deadline ...have a eustress for that
