Our Misconceptions About Women

In Today's life You tube ads, UC brower adds ,Social Media,Friends,Television etc etc are supporting and Invoking a misconception about human race that are female. Every time in a loop people are watching Abusive contents in order to see and make them forcefully believe that the girls are like how they perceive them or some see just to have pleasure or time pass,or to relief from stress. But i will say indulging in such activities is like scratching your injury again and again in order to get temperary relief. (This must not be a solution in Actual .you have to sacrifice and boycott all these activities).Currently as far as i analyzed i find many guy talk to another girl by a emotion with wrong conception which is more of wrong desire and understanding and this is indirectly a sense of discrimination toward that human race (female).Yes ,Ideally females have given a soft nature and low aggresiveness by nature because they are made to develop emotions and love in the society which are currently seen disapering in the society. Yes, I know Bhagwatgeeta says that there should be no emotions in an warrior. But here gernally warrior is the male and not female. The sense of non emotionalness and aggresevness is important till you are in war(Iskon say Lord Vishnu (official behaviour of Lord Krishna). But when you are with your family you should not practice the same behaviour their and rather spread love at that time(Iskon says Lord Krishna).Don't you Know your mother is a women and she also not preceived in that much wrong sense in your eyes than you might frame other female. See all female have some heart inside it.you can also say that the person is not bad,the situation(ethics,values) make them bad(mean,selfish,ignorant,past experience etc etc).There is a phase in my life where i have left all that desires and have a ideal understanding about humanity.. Anyway,According to my experience I will suggest see the reality...be more realistic and practical toward life . Society may consider you taboo and they might point on your priority (I am too not a gay like you )But that should doesn't matter to you as Basic Morals should matter you more than any other thing.Now you will ask If i would stand on Basic Morals even at the cost of some distance away from society(I am not saying to cut because that is an another sign of discrimination) then How would be I happy? So,Anyway In your life some happiness should be planned for permanent purpose which ofcourse should be preserved by your consistent positive attitude of Basic Morals.But Now you would ask what is the fun behind them? .Consistency to do hardwork in your area and avoiding wrong activities might not has fun But
-->In the end of a day it gives you a feeling of soldier
-->It makes you a player of your field .Like MS Dhoni,Sachin Tendulkar .
-->It makes you even more stronger than before.and thus making you capable to handle huge responsibilites

Yes ofcourse  after that also there will be some obstructions in your path and you feel to break your rules but stay on that path and be consistent ..soon convert this consistency to habit.again obstruction will desperately approched you ...your body and mind get out of control and force you to open a laptop ...again at that time kill youself....listen to music,play a video game or go to a ground to play....still in ground you might have fantacies.....your brain will illusioned you with misconception about female....again kill yourself ....be a capacicum and a smell of sacrifice should come out of your body......after that also there will be a time when you feel yourself baba and akward man.......ignore ignore....understand again your mind is forcing you to become  a bad man which you are not.....mind will say your life is wasted dude.....ignore ignore !.Mind is so much creative it has endless way to make you bad you should think that it is better to die clean with no such enjoyment rather than dying in regret.....In actual this is also not true that if you not watch p&rn then your life will get wasted .according to my past experience what i have observe is that rather than indulging in a bad activity you have a way more colourful life outside...like playing a badminton in club,doing swimming in club,doing upasana a deep meditation ...or meditation music listening..doing some invention ..going to the free seminars.....fitness development......visiting park or playing with unknown people..etc etc .But if anyway still you dont have control on yourself then make you remember that

-->this(wrong activities) is not a reality and i want to be real.Bad content is just brainwashing me with misconceptions

-->make you belief female don't want @#x just desperate you want it.

-->Think about a innocent human race female and think many poor families female just need food [she is hungry]and not this @#x.and due to this huger only some of she's involve herself in bad activities.

-->Think about a situation that female is so bounded by society that she can't go outside,she is not allowed to stay in her home with her parents after marriage and what a more hell you want to do with her.

-->Think about your mother (female race) who wake up all day and night when you were ill.
she is also women

-->Understand that society also takes drug so is it means that it is right.Consider similar thing with @#x also.

-->Visualize female as an creature develop by a nature for love and not for @#x . Do a love like Lord Krishna where there is understanding and sacrifices rather than today's generation which thinks about drug of addiction known as @#x.

I know race may be wrong word instead i should use gender here but anyway still i used this word as it adds a strength and power to my suggestions.

Listen Heart of female in Video given below

Key Points
1. They are Human like you.

2. They also want to be part of fun .No matter whether that space is surrounded by boys .But,Hardly       come as they have a fear of being called slut by cheap society.

3.They Just search for friendships...and are too emotional about it...Sometimes it not love ..just a            friendship....But Boys take it in a wrong sense that makes everything dirty.

4.Sometimes Girl Act Nude just to gain fame but internally later they felt guilt about because these        are the women and love their respect.

5.Every Human want to look beautiful for complements....This is their inside Human brain But              Society take it cheaply.

6.Under My eyes Girls are not weak but i will say a better Human Being made by God who knows how to make a someone feel warmth....take it positively by a vision of true love and not #@x

7.If Girl is hugging you .or touching you many time's it doesn't means that she love or want to do            #@x. There are many wrong myths that are created by society.             
If you are the one of the cheap person then learn the ideal relationship b/w girls and boys in college.See How positive and friendly relations they have in their friendship !.Learn something from them .
Watch video shown below :-

Watch Below Related Video's Also

Common Myths that are there in Man's Mind that gives rise to Disrespect of women

Suppose there is a Guy and Girl in the car . Suddenly say a car stops and let guy has given it a start and Car makes a noise Ghzzzz and stops. And Let the girl had said this sound is similar to sound made by a motion when i do poopy. Now guy misconcept that the girl has a lot of interest in poopy.She loves poopy. Now I say what a Hell Man ! is it making any logic that girl loves poopy. Similarly if a girl shakes hand the boy misunderstood that she love's toughing. What a hell again she is also a human like you she has the same feeling like you (i am talking about ideal feeling not dirty one).and she is handshaking casually as you do with your  friends. Don't Make them a taboo man. Similarly if a girl hugs again you misunderstood. Grow up man take it normally if not it means you are not normal being and you should do something about you.                              

1) If Girl shakes hand it just means that she is casual as you with your friends.
2) If Girl drinks a water of you it just means she can't bear her thrust as she may be weak while               bearing a thrust.
3) If Girl Hugs you it just means she has a pure colorful love for you not dirty one that stinks
4) If a Girl does a wrong activity it just means she is just intending to act cool as she feels that is             coolness under your sight.

Reality is if any Human does the bad activity it will must have a guilt. He will not feel as pure as he feels earlier .He finds a separation between him and some sought of power(God) and thus good feel that comes while feeling a relationship b/w that power and you. In life you don't have to run after fun ,parties to live life. Manythings in Life comes

From Now onwards write a Goal on paper that " I am a Human others are also Human .I live a human and as natural as nature .I admit Manythings like exams, patience,resistance are there in life that are boaring but anyway i will except it ... I will never ever take a give importance to wrong thoughts not an infinte energy from inside that persurisly ergues me to do wrong activty...I will have infinite patience.....I have a strong hope the day is about to come when i will be more and more closer to him. I will Know him.All my doubts will be cleared...Be as pure as your Lord.."and kept it into wallet and take out that slip whenever have a doubt. 
