learning takes place when you can even take loan for it and move avoiding hurdle rather than wasting time to removethe hurdle
i remember the time when i use to play bayblade in in class 5.I was so crazy to win the match with my friends that i use to buy many bayblade ...dissemble them and made one that i wanted rather than comprimising with what i have with low features. Now to win the match i need sharpness in metal disk of my bayblade.Now for that i dont stop and wait to come some new bayblade in market with which i can replace metal disk of bayblade.So to make my imagined bayblade i had taken shaving blade from my uncle,cutted them and mout them over my bayblade disk to have a sharpness.And when i did that and run my bayblade for the first time i get to learn even many new things too that i haven't imagine that is my bayblade was giving sparkles when it come in contact with any metal surface.So i think if you really need to learn or want to learn a thing then do first feel that task then try to practically conceptualize that task then try to find out how can that task personally help you.......and motivate yourself for that task then learn that thing passionately and take loans if needed to do the experiment you want to do......who knows when which invention happens !
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