(addition) of (positive intention) in any behaviour makes relationship stronger and more enjoyable.

(addition) of (positive intention) in any behaviour makes relationship stronger and more enjoyable.

this is ideally true that is no human like you/love you unless you make that situation forcely.So i am now telling you some innovative approach to attract people toward you with your current behaviour.I will simply say express the person side to you feel a pleasure as he gets when he talks to his true friend.And i am sure his true friend has one core thing which you can add that is a positive intention that wants a side person to succed rather than saying "Bhai kitna padega ".....etc etc instead of saying that think how enjoable and may be adventorous it would be if you say i have a new idea....i have did this much ....now let us take this to a new height....think yourself how motivating it would be for the personality of such kind.when you say resistive sentences for eg "Bhai kitna padega" then it is like you are splashing shit over your entire behaviour in which you struggled to make that person your best friend .from next time he would be crucial in his steps and may not be personal with you as it is truely said first impression is the last impression.And now you have lossen one friend that would be your true friend which might be boaring but may be your biggest earning as human always costed more than money .remember that !
